I am relatively new to JavaScript but I am creating a simple hangman web app in local host. The game runs perfectly, just as I want it. However, I realized that after loading the game at the same time in different tabs, the words change in all instances to the same word. For example, I can run the game in one tab, then another. Then when I go back to the first tab, the word I am trying to guess has changed to the one in the second tab. I don't know how else to describe my issue. Here's my JS and backend code:
function runHangmanInit(){
$.get("/hangmanInit", {}, function(response){ //generates word
term.write("RUNNING HANGMAN.cpp\r\n");
guessedLetters = [];
let json = JSON.parse(response);
term.write(json["state"] + "\r\n");
term.write("Category: " + json["category"] + "\t");
for(let i = 0; i < json["dashes"]; i++){
term.write(" _");
term.write("\r\nGuesses remiaining: "+ json["guesses"] + "\r\n");
function checkLetterTerminal(letter){
$.get("/hangman/" + letter, {}, function(response){
let x = JSON.parse(response);
term.write(x["state"] + "\r\n");
term.write("Category: " + x["category"] + "\t");
for(let i = 0; i < x.dashes.length; i++){
term.write(x.dashes[i] + " ");
term.write("\r\nGuesses remiaining: "+ x["guesses"] + "\r\n");
if(x["lettersGuessed"]){ //Incorrect guess
term.write("Letters Guessed: ");
for(let i = 0; i < guessedLetters.length; i++){
term.write(guessedLetters[i] + " ");
term.write(x["message"] + "\r\n");
check1 = 0;
term.write("\r\n\x1B[1;3;31mdyaranon@DEKTOP-123:\x1B[0m/mnt/e$ ");
term.write("\r\nEnter your guess: ");
Backend (Crow C++)
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
crow::SimpleApp app;
Game game = Game(1);
CROW_ROUTE(app, "/hangmanInit")([](const request& req, response& res){
nlohmann::json x;
x["word"] = game.getWord();
x["state"] = game.board.hangman;
x["category"] = game.categoryName;
x["dashes"] = game.board.dashes.size();
x["guesses"] = 6;
x["message"] = "Enter your guess: ";
CROW_ROUTE(app, "/hangman/<string>")([](const request &req, response &res, string letter){
nlohmann::json x;
x = game.playGame(letter);
I included all the relative parts of the code. Any help would be appreciated.
It looks like you're only creating one game instance? So yes, there's only once instance server-side and you're sharing it among all clients.
HTTP is stateless, so you first need a way to identify which client is which when they make requests. This is normally done by a session ID of some sort, which should be randomly generated.
It's common to store this session ID in cookies, but you'll actually want to just use a local variable in your JavaScript when the page loads, since you want to treat each tab differently.
From there, when you make your HTTP requests (which you're doing with $.get()
), you need to include this session ID. I suggest putting it in the URL, something like:
Finally, on the server side, you need to track multiple game instances... one for each game going on, and associate them with the session IDs.