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Stomp client doesn't receive message on user destination?

I'm having the problem that a stomp message send to a user-destination is not received by the client. Let me explain:

In WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer:

public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
config.enableSimpleBroker("/secured/topic", "/secured/user/queue");

On my stompjs client (logged in as "admin"):

                        , function (output) {

In the log:

Processing SUBSCRIBE /secured/user/queue/notifications id=sub-0 session=d74f49b3-bb63-580f-b862-81647cc712b3

And java code to send the message:

      "admin", "/secured/user/queue/notifications", out);

Which results in log:

Processing MESSAGE destination=/secured/user/queue/notifications-userd74f49b3-bb63-580f-b862-81647cc712b3 session=null payload={"from":"server","text":"hello","recipient":"admin","time":"13:29:10"}

But no message is printed in the console log.

As you can see the sessionid is the same in the subscribe and send step. But i don't understand why the client doesn't get the message. Note that message without user destination are working correctly.

Can anybody offer me a helping hand?


  • I got it working trying many variations, I'm only not sure why it working, but i don't complain. What i did:

    In configureMessageBroker (WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer) (this really confuses me goes against all samples i read):

    config.enableSimpleBroker("/secured/topic", "/secured/queue", "/secured/user");

    convertAndSendToUser (the "/secured/user" + username is added by convertAndSendToUser):

    simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(   "admin", "/queue/notifications", out);

    and my subscribe on the client (not really happy about adding username here..):

                            , function (output) {

    But it works ;-)

    [edit] Trace logging makes it easier to understand what is going on:

      <Logger name="org.springframework.messaging" level="trace" additivity="false">
                <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>