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Dark variant with background images in Tailwind

I tried using different background images depending on the mode (default & dark). It seems that the dark variant isn't working as soon as I use a custom image. I added variants following Tailwind's instructions.


module.exports = {
    important: true,
    // Active dark mode on class basis
    darkMode: "class",
    i18n: {
        locales: ["en-US"],
        defaultLocale: "en-US",
    purge: ['./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', './public/index.html'],
    theme: {
        extend: {
            backgroundImage: theme => ({
                'ysosb': "url('./images/y-so-serious.png')",
                'ysosw': "url('./images/y-so-serious-white.png')",
    variants: {
        extend: {
            backgroundColor: ["checked"],
            backgroundImage: ["dark"],
            borderColor: ["checked"],
            inset: ["checked"],
            zIndex: ["hover", "active"],
    plugins: [],
    future: {
        purgeLayersByDefault: true,

JSX file

<section className="dark:bg-ysosb bg-ysosw shadow">


  • Solved it!

    I changed the JSX code to :

    <section bg-ysosw dark:bg-ysosb shadow text-black dark:text-white>