I have to do drag and drop tree view using react-sortable-tree. And also I need crud operations in my tree view. I have done to add, edit and delete into my parent node on tree view. Unexpectedly, I have some issues whenever I drag my node that time my first-child will edit and after that updated properly, but could not work delete functions, and also nth-child will not work properly to add, edit and delete node.
The problem is you are updating the state using old setState syntax. Like this,
setState({ stateKey: stateValue });
But new useState hook doesn't need the stateKey. You can update the state by just calling the setState(stateValue)
So, instead of writing this,
treeData: removeNodeAtPath({
treeData: treeData,
path: path,
getNodeKey: ({ treeIndex: number, node: TreeNode }) => {
return number;
ignoreCollapsed: false
You should write this,
treeData: treeData,
path: path,
getNodeKey: ({ treeIndex: number, node: TreeNode }) => {
return number;
ignoreCollapsed: false
Here is the working code link.