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Any workaround for this method without convert snapshotChanges() into promise?

I want to return cartIdFire but it returns undefined because snapshot method is return observable
so, there is any workaround for returning cartIdFire without convert snapshot method into promise ?

private async getServer() 
   .subscribe(x => this.cartIdFire = x);
   return cartIdFire;
private async getOrCreateCartId() //to create a cartid or acceess the cartid
    let cartId = localStorage.getItem('cartId'); //to create a cartid or acceess 
      return cartId;
    } = await this.getServer();
     console.log(this.cartIdFire); //it gives undefined
       localStorage.setItem('cartId' ,result.key);
       return this.cartIdFire;
      let result =  await this.create(); 
      localStorage.setItem('cartId' ,result.key);
      return  result.key;

so i can't return subscriber from getServer() method. Because i have to save
the cartFireId in the local storage.


  • In this scenario, await this.getServer() will not work, it will not wait to be solved, it only works in Promise, not in Observable, where it is solved within the subscribe

    A simple solution would be, in the getServer() method to convert the Observable to Promise, using toPromise() and returning this value

    private async getServer() 
       return this.db.list('/shopping-carts/').snapshotChanges().toPromise()

    And get the cartIdFire in the getOrCreateCartId() method

    this.cardIdFire = await this.getServer()