Basically I would like to have a static array of pointers to template classes. A sort of map from or lookup table where to an index corresponds a template class. II'll try to explain my question better with the code example below.
#include <iostream>
struct TemplateInterface
virtual int get() = 0;
template<int I>
struct TemplatedStruct : public TemplateInterface
int get() override { return I; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Refactor this section with metaprogramming so to have classes from 1 to N
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TemplatedStruct<1> one;
static TemplatedStruct<2> two;
static TemplatedStruct<3> three;
static TemplateInterface* TIArray[3] = {&one, &two, &three};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main() {
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
TemplateInterface* ptr = TIArray[i];
std::cout << ptr->get() << std::endl;
You might have
template <std::size_t... Is>
std::array<TemplateInterface*, sizeof...(Is)>
static std::tuple<TemplatedStruct<Is>...> data{};
return {{ &std::get<Is>(data)... }};
template <std::size_t N>
std::array<TemplateInterface*, N> makeInterfaceArray()
return makeInterfaceArray(std::make_index_sequence<N>{});
int main() {
for (TemplateInterface* ptr : makeInterfaceArray<3>())
std::cout << ptr->get() << std::endl;