I have a springboot project which uses package javax.servlet from org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-ember-core9.0.34. (this is coming from springboot)
I have another maven project (API project) which uses this javax.servlet but with version 2.3
Now I have created a parent maven project which includes above 2 projects as modules. When I individually compile the springboot project, everything is fine. But when I compile the parent project, it takes the javax.servlet.api version 2.3 to compile the springboot project and gives error, since a method is not available in 2.3 which is being used by springboot.
How to solve this?
Please find a sample source code here: https://github.com/abmjunaed/maven-multi-project-error
I have added very minimal code to reproduce the scenario so that you can have a look and help!
In the External Libraries of IntelliJ, I can see both libs and maven from the parent project is taking the javax-servlet-api:2.3 to compile the springBoot project and giving the error
Found the solution and I can't believe it!
Dependency to spring-boot-starter-web was after the dependency of the library project and that was causing the problem.
Now I have added
as the first dependency and
as the 2nd dependency and everything works fine!
<dependency> <!--1st dependency-->