I want to copy a hidden worksheet using VBA. However, When it run the vba code, all the copied worksheets are hidden as well, may I know is there any method to copy the worksheet and the new created worksheet is not hidden? My VBA code is as follows:
Sub CopySheet()
Sheet6.Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
End Sub
There are two stages of Hidden, xlSheetHidden and xlSheetVeryHidden. On my Excel 365 your code worked for normal Hidden sheets and crashed for VeryHidden sheets. In neither case was the copy hidden. However, the following code will unhide the sheet, create a visible copy and hide the original again to the same level as it was before, all of that invisible to the user. This code can therefore be used for copying any sheet, regardless of the setting of its Visible
property. It should work also on older versions of Excel.
Sub CopySheet()
Dim Visible As XlSheetVisibility
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' hide the action from view
With Sheet6
Visible = .Visible ' record the sheet's visibility setting
.Visible = xlSheetVisible ' make the sheet visible
.Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) ' create a copy (the copy will be ActiveSheet)
.Visible = Visible ' reset the sheet's Visible property to what it was before
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub