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Fill two Excel charts using a two arrays

I have asked this question before and I am grateful for the help I received but the problem persists. I am trying to plot a Shear-Force and Bending-Moment diagram calculated from the loads. I create two arrays of points which I pass over to two named charts.

The program is stalling at the .SeriesCollection(1).Values = SFnode and the BMnode.

My code


'Calculate the Maximum BM by calculating the area of the SF diagram
    Dim L As Single, UDL As Single, RA As Single

        L = 3 'm
        UDL = 1 'kN/m
        RA = L * UDL / 2
'Global variable
    Dim i As Integer
'Declare the nodes
    Dim nNodes As Integer
    Dim SFnode() As Variant, BMnode() As Variant 'Graph points
    'Number of nodes
        nNodes = L * 1000 'Divide length into mm
    ReDim SFnode(nNodes), BMnode(nNodes)
'Do the SF and BM Diagrams
    Dim SFsum As Single 'Sum the area of the SF diagram
        SFnode(0) = RA       'First Node = RA
        SFsum = 0
        For i = 1 To nNodes
            SFnode(i) = RA - UDL * i / 1000 'SF Diagram
            SFsum = SFsum + SFnode(i)
            BMnode(i) = SFsum               'BM Diagram
        Next i
    Dim cSF As Chart, cBM As Chart
    'The charts have been named in the sheet

    Set cSF = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("SFdiagram").Chart
    Set cBM = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("BMdiagram").Chart
    With cSF
        .SeriesCollection(1).Values = SFnode
    End With
    With cBM
       .SeriesCollection(1).Values = BMnode
    End With

    Set cSF = Nothing
    Set cBM = Nothing

    MsgBox "Done"

End Sub


  • Please, try the next way. It processes two Cluster Column charts type. Edited:*

    Your pseudo chart form the downloaded workbook cannot be used in this way. Without any series, it should be obvious that cBM.SeriesCollection(1) will return an error in any circumstances. Please, delete your existing charts and run the next code. It, firstly, will create two chats and their first 'Series' and then it will only change/refresh their Series1 series:

    Sub ChartFromArray() 'creation firstly
     Dim sh As Worksheet, arr, cSF As Chart, cBM As Chart
     Set sh = ActiveSheet
     arr = makeArrays
     'for SFdiagram chart:_____________________________________________
     On Error Resume Next
      Set cSF = sh.ChartObjects("SFdiagram").Chart
      If Err.Number = -2147024809 Then
          Err.Clear: On Error GoTo 0
          Set cSF = sh.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=1, Top:=10, _
                                        Width:=300, Height:=300).Chart
          cSF.ChartType = xlColumnStacked: cSF.Parent.Name = "SFdiagram"
          cSF.SeriesCollection.NewSeries.Values = arr(0)
          On Error GoTo 0
          cSF.SeriesCollection(1).Values = arr(0)
      End If:
      'for BMdiagram chart:_____________________________________________
      On Error Resume Next
       Set cBM = sh.ChartObjects("BMdiagram").Chart
       If Err.Number = -2147024809 Then
          Err.Clear: On Error GoTo 0
          Set cBM = sh.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=cSF.Parent.Width + 5, _
                                Top:=10, Width:=300, Height:=300).Chart
          cBM.ChartType = xlColumnStacked: cBM.Parent.Name = "BMdiagram"
          cBM.SeriesCollection.NewSeries.Values = arr(1)
           On Error GoTo 0
           cBM.SeriesCollection(1).Values = arr(1)
       End If
    End Sub

    It uses the next function to calculate the two necessary arrays, so copy it, too:

    Function makeArrays() As Variant
     Dim L As Single, UDL As Single, RA As Single, i As Integer
        L = 3: UDL = 1: RA = L * UDL / 2 'kN/m
        'Declare the nodes
        Dim nNodes As Integer
        Dim SFnode() As Variant, BMnode() As Variant 'Graph points
        'Number of nodes
            nNodes = L * 1000 'Divide length into mm
        ReDim SFnode(nNodes), BMnode(nNodes)
        'Do the SF and BM Diagrams
        Dim SFsum As Single 'Sum the area of the SF diagram
        SFnode(0) = RA       'First Node = RA
        SFsum = 0
        For i = 1 To nNodes
            SFnode(i) = RA - UDL * i / 1000 'SF Diagram
            SFsum = SFsum + SFnode(i)
            BMnode(i) = SFsum               'BM Diagram
        Next i
      makeArrays = Array(SFnode, BMnode)
    End Function

    Please, test it and send some feedback.