I have the following two tables
| passenger_id | flight_date | flight_number | destination |
| -------------| ---------- | -------------- | ------------ |
| 1234 | 2020-12-16 | 534 | CA |
| 1234 | 2020-12-29 | 876 | FL |
| 1234 | 2020-11-13 | 938 | FL |
| 5678 | 2020-12-27 | 986 | MN |
| 5678 | 2020-11-19 | 347 | WA |
| passenger_id | company_name | phone_number |
| -------------| ------------ | ------------ |
| 1234 | Verizon | (555) 874-9232 |
| 5678 | AT&T | (555) 867-5309 |
I want to create a temporary table that includes specific columns from both tables, but only includes the row from FlightTable that has the latest flight_date occurring before 2020-12-28 for each passenger. The resulting table should look like:
| passenger_id | company_name |flight_number | destination |
| -------------| ------------ |------------ | ------------ |
| 1234 | Verizon |534 | CA |
| 5678 | AT&T |986 | MN |
I've tried the following query without success:
SELECT F.passenger_id, P.company_name, flight_number, destination
FROM FlightTable AS F, PassengerTable AS P
WHERE '2020-12-28' <= MAX(flight_date) AND F.passenger_id = P.passenger_id
How can this be modified to work as expected?
First, learn to use proper JOIN
syntax. Then you can use a correlated subquery to select the most recent date before your cutoff:
SELECT F.passenger_id, P.company_name, f.flight_number, f.destination
FROM FlightTable F JOIN
PassengerTable P
ON F.passenger_id = P.passenger_id
WHERE f.flight_date = (SELECT MAX(f2.flight_date)
FROM FlightTable f2
WHERE f2.passenger_id = f.passenger_id AND
f2.flight_date < '2012-12-28'