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I am unable to run Quick sort for singly Linked list. m not able to put the condition for recursive call in quick sort function


/*Function to get the pivot node*/

node *partition(node *start, node *end)
    if (start == NULL || start->next == NULL)   //If one node or no node is present
        return start;

    node *pivot, *cur, *pre, *temp;
    pivot = pre = start;
    cur = start->next;

    while (1)
        if (cur == end)
            break;  //while loop breaks
        else if (cur->data < pivot->data) 
            temp = cur;
            pre->next = cur->next;
            cur = cur->next;    //Here swapping is done basically
            temp->next = pre;
            head = temp;
            pre = cur;
            cur = cur->next;
    return pivot; //pivot node returned to PartitionNode in quick sort function
/*quicksort recursive ; what conditions do I need to apply here so the it can work properly
recursion call is not working as expected; please I ask you correct this it's been 2 days now stuck on same problem */ 

void *quicksort(node *head, node *tail)
    node *start = head;
    node *PartitionNode = partition(start, tail->next); //partition function called to get pivot node
    node *list2 = PartitionNode->next;

    while (start != PartitionNode && list2 != tail)  //not working and so much confusing please help
        while (start->next != PartitionNode)
            quicksort(start, PartitionNode);
            node *PartitionNode = partition(start, PartitionNode);

        while (list2 != tail) //list2 start will PartitionNode->next
            quicksort(PartitionNode->next, tail->next);
            node *PartitionNode = partition(PartitionNode->next, tail->next);


  •     node *partition(node *start, node *end) //pivot is first element of linked list
        node *pivot_prev = start;
        node *current = start;
        int pivot = start->data;
        start = start->next;
        while (start != end->next)
        if (start->data < pivot)
            pivot_prev = current;
            int temp = current->data;
            current->data = start->data;
            start->data = temp;
            current = current->next;
         start = start->next;
         return pivot_prev; //current not will not be returned as current not is already at its right place
        void quicksort(node *start, node *end)
        if (start == end)
        node *prev = partition(start, end);
        quicksort(start, prev);
        quicksort(prev->next, end);