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The order of execution of integration tests does not work in Srping Boot (

I use Java 11 ( I'm not looking for the order of execution of methods within a class.)

There are no posts on the site that answer my question

        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->


@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class ApplicationTests {


public class TestFirst extends ApplicationTests {

void run(){

public class TestSecond extends ApplicationTests {

void run(){


public class AdminTest extends ApplicationTests {

void run(){


I use the annotation @Suite.SuiteClasses.

I assume that the test classes should be run one by one. The launch order is not followed. Each class is located in its own directory.

For Spring, it's like a separate integration test.

How can I get the classes to execute in the order I defined ?

Maybe there is another approach for this ?


  • The run order of tests is deliberately undefined. Each test is expected to setup the resources it needs and to clean up afterwards. The order in which individual @Tests are run should not matter.

    You can use the @Before and @After annotations to do some setup and cleanup for each test. There is also @BeforeAll and @AfterAll to setup/clean up on class level (They are executed before/after all/any tests in the class).

    The principle is that a unit tests is completely stand-alone and can be run independently of any other test. You should be able to pick a single test and run it.