I add ObservablePoint to the CartesianChart chart. I need to get the x and y coordinates of this point in a window.
How can I do this by using code?
I tried to bring CartesianChart to the UIElement type to get the graphical elements inside it, but I failed.
Here is the code that I use:
using System.Windows;
using LiveCharts;
using LiveCharts.Wpf;
using LiveCharts.Defaults;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System;
using System.Threading;
namespace TestChartApp
public partial class MainWindow : Window
SeriesCollection series = new SeriesCollection();
ChartValues<ObservableValue> observableValues = new ChartValues<ObservableValue>();
LineSeries lineSeries = new LineSeries
Stroke = Brushes.Blue,
Fill = Brushes.Transparent,
public MainWindow()
observableValues.Add(new ObservableValue(0));
lineSeries.Values = observableValues;
myChart.Series = series;
myChart.DataTooltip = null;
myChart.Hoverable = false;
<Window x:Class="TestChartApp.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="600" Width="1200" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen">
<lvc:CartesianChart x:Name="myChart" DisableAnimations="True" Width="800" HorizontalAlignment="Left">
<lvc:Axis MaxValue="100" MinValue="0" Labels="" Unit="1">
<lvc:Separator Step="20">
<SolidColorBrush Color="Gray" />
<lvc:Axis MaxValue="100" MinValue="-100" Labels="">
<SolidColorBrush Color="Gray" />
When you have access to the chart, then find the chart point of interest from the SeriesCollection.Values
that maps to the SeriesColection.ChartPoints
(e.g., map by index):
<CartesianChart x:Name="MyChart" />
// Get the target series
var firstLineSeries = this.MyChart.Series[0] as LineSeries;
// Get a point from this series (in this case the first)
ChartPoint firstPointInLineSeries = firstLineSeries.ChartPointsElementAt(0);
// Convert the CahrtPoint to common WPF Point
Point convertedChartPoint = firstPointInLineSeries.AsPoint();
// Get the position of this point relative to the chart
Point chartPointPositionInChart = this.MyChart.ConvertToPixels(convertedChartPoint);
// Convert the chart point pixel coordinates
// to the parent Window coordinates
Point chartPointPositionInWindow = this.MyChart.TransformToVisual(this).Transform(chartPointPositionInChart);