Are there window functions in google sheets query function?
I am currently building a database from this formula
=QUERY('DB'!A2:J,"select C, E, F, sum (J), count(J) where G = 'Gross Enterprise Subscription' group by C, E, F order by SUM(J) desc label C 'Owner', E 'Country', F 'Region', sum(J) 'Delta ES Increase', count(J) 'Num Enterprises in portfolio'",1)
But i wish I could add a "countifs"-like function side to count (J) where I would put a clause "where J > 0" so I could have simultaneously 'Num Enterprises in portfolio', which is count(j) and 'Num Enterprises in portfolio > 0' which is count(j > 0).
=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY({'DB'!A2:J, IF('DB'!J2:J > 0, 1, )},
"select Col3,Col5,Col6,sum(Col10),count(Col10),count(Col11)
where Col7 = 'Gross Enterprise Subscription'
group by Col3,Col5,Col6
order by sum(Col10) desc
label Col3'Owner',
sum(Col10)'Delta ES Increase',
count(Col10)'Num Enterprises in portfolio',
count(Col11)'Num Enterprises in portfolio > 0'", 1))