I am trying to install a JWT Library (i.e https://github.com/web-token/jwt-framework) in Prestashop,
I am not sure how to install & use it.
Do i need to run composer require web-token/jwt-framework
in PS root to install it?
Composer is installed by default in prestashop versions 1.7+.
If you are starting a new project you can init your composer project along with the dependency:
composer init --require="web-token/jwt-framework" -n
composer install
Or if you already have an existing project simply add the dependency:
composer require web-token/jwt-framework
Then update your composer.json file to include the class in your autoload nad regenerate it:
composer dump-autoload
(Installing webservice library if u want to see documentation example: LINK)
If u want to use library in your module here is the link to documentation on how to do it: LINK
Although you can go to github repo of this library and download it manually.