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Why the [] operator in sorted_vector_map?

I do not understand what the operator [] does in sorted_vector_map.

  • Specifically when the key does not exist, what value is added to the data structure?
  • What is value_type(key, mapped_type())?
  • Is it a constructor call to std::pair by default?
  • What is mapped_type()?
  • Is it also a constructor call?
mapped_type& operator[](const key_type& key) {
    iterator it = lower_bound(key);
    if (it == end() || key_comp()(key, it->first)) {
      return insert(it, value_type(key, mapped_type()))->second;
    return it->second;

Code is from the following link...


  • Container is the template argument that defines what container is used by sorted_vector_map to store the key-value pairs and defaults to a std::vector(std::vector<std::pair<Key, Value>, Allocator>>)

    value_type is Container::value_type (typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;) which (for the default template argument) is std::pair<Key, Value> (see std::vector Member types)

    mapped_type is Value (typedef Value mapped_type;) so the type of the value stored in the sorted_vector_map

    What is value_type(key, mapped_type())?
    What is mapped_type()?
    Is it also a constructor call?

    So value_type(key, mapped_type()) creates a std::pair with key as first, and a default constructed Value (mapped_type()) as second.

    Is it a constructor call to std::pair by default?


    template <
        class Key,
        class Value, // <<===============
        class Compare = std::less<Key>,
        class Allocator = std::allocator<std::pair<Key, Value>>,
        class GrowthPolicy = void,
        class Container = std::vector<std::pair<Key, Value>, Allocator>>   // <<===============
    class sorted_vector_map : detail::growth_policy_wrapper<GrowthPolicy> {
      detail::growth_policy_wrapper<GrowthPolicy>& get_growth_policy() {
        return *this;
      template <typename K, typename V, typename C = Compare>
      using if_is_transparent =
          _t<detail::sorted_vector_enable_if_is_transparent<void, C, K, V>>;
      struct EBO;
      typedef Key key_type;
      typedef Value mapped_type; // <<===============
      typedef typename Container::value_type value_type; // <<===============
      typedef Compare key_compare;
      typedef Allocator allocator_type;
      typedef Container container_type;