I try to perform this nested loop but it is not working. It's not saving the result in each stage. But if I replace listInitial with Print[ ] I observer that all changes are made.
Any suggestions??
For[b = 1, b < 4, b = b + 1,
For[a = 1, a < 4, a = a + 1,
For[x = 1, x < 4, x = x + 1,
For[z = 1, z < 4, z = z + 1, listInitial =
If[Random[] > psurvival,
InitialMatrix[3, 3, 3, 3], {b, a, x, z} ->
InitialMatrix[3, 3, 3, 3][[b]][[a]][[x]][[z]] - 1],
InitialMatrix[3, 3, 3, 3], {b, a, x, z} ->
InitialMatrix[3, 3, 3, 3][[b]][[a]][[x]][[z]]]]]]]
listInitial // TableForm
Thanks guys. I found this solution: I think it's the easier one and it's working.
SetAttributes[myFunction, Listable]
myFunction[x_] :=
If[Random[] > psurvival, If [x - 1 < 0 , x , x - 1], x]
myFunction[InitialMatrix[3, 3, 3, 3]] // TableForm