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Logging the current executing command within the Action Block for Set-PSBreakpoint

I am attaching a command breakpoint for every "Get*" in my powershell session. This command breakpoint involves calling an Action which invokes Write-Host "We are trapped in this code". As you can see below


PS /Users/test> Set-PSBreakpoint -Command "Get*"  -Action {
>> Write-Host "We are trapped in this code"
>> }

  ID Script                                                   Line Command                                                  Variable                                                 Action
  -- ------                                                   ---- -------                                                  --------                                                 ------
   1                                                               Get*                                                                                                              …

PS /Users/test> Get-Runspace
We are trapped in this code

 Id Name            ComputerName    Type          State         Availability
 -- ----            ------------    ----          -----         ------------
  1 Runspace1       localhost       Local         Opened        Busy

PS /Users/test>

Now instead of printing

We are trapped in this code

we want to print

We are trapped in this code: Get-Runspace

In this specifically we want to print the command ie. Get-Runspace on which breakpoint was applied. Is there any way to get the hold of the Executing Command within the ScriptBlock.

PS: We have tried $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name within the script block and various other methods but all of them return null.


  • Assuming that you're interested in the command line that triggered the breakpoint, use $MyInvocation.Line:

    Set-PSBreakpoint -Command "Get-conten*"  -Action { 
      Write-Host "We are trapped in this code: $($MyInvocation.Line)"

    If you want to inspect the specific values of the automatic $MyInvocation variable (which is an instance of type System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo), pipe it to the Out-Host cmdlet:

    Set-PSBreakpoint -Command "Get-conten*"  -Action { 
      $MyInvocation | Out-Host