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Track changes on worksheet, copy active cell change Column Header & NewColumnValue

REF: Track changes on worksheet, copy cell that is not the active cell in active cell row and record value

I have revamped my worksheet and hoping to get insight to how to get values in cells upon change event of...

  • NewColumn__Value - currently none are pulling correct value. active cell impacts results and want pre & post event change to compare later. i know it is currenlly outputting the same as the corresponding OldVColumn_Value, but left in to help with conveying of ask.
  • ColumnHeader - currently not pulling any value. header is in 2nd row of 'target.value

any thoughts on code consolidation is greatly appreciated. to i'm forced to do 'long division' approach and so great to see how to get to 'calculator' approach, helps me learn.

Option Explicit
Public OldValue, OldColumnJValue, ColumnHeaderX, ColumnJValue, ColumnHeader, OldColumnJJValue, 
OldColumnJKValue, OldColumnJLValue, OldColumnJMValue, NewColumnJJValue, NewColumnJKValue, 
NewColumnJLValue, NewColumnJMValue, OldColumnMPValue, OldColumnMQValue, OldColumnMRValue, 
OldColumnMSValue, NewColumnMPValue, NewColumnMQValue, NewColumnMRValue, NewColumnMSValue, 
OldColumnPVValue, OldColumnPWValue, OldColumnPXValue, OldColumnPYValue, NewColumnPVValue, 
NewColumnPWValue, NewColumnPXValue, NewColumnPYValue

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Application.EnableEvents = False
        With Sheets("LogDetails").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)
            .Offset(1, 0) = ActiveSheet.Name
            .Offset(1, 1) = Target.Address(0, 0)
            .Offset(1, 2) = Environ("username")
            .Offset(1, 3) = Now
                'add empl name vlookup formula to this column?
            .Offset(1, 5) = ColumnJValue
            **.Offset(1, 6) = ColumnHeader**
            .Offset(1, 7) = OldValue
            .Offset(1, 8) = Target
                '2020 pre-change value below
            .Offset(1, 9) = OldColumnJJValue
            .Offset(1, 10) = OldColumnJKValue
            .Offset(1, 11) = OldColumnJLValue
            .Offset(1, 12) = OldColumnJMValue
                '2020 post-change value below
            **.Offset(1, 13) = NewColumnJJValue
            .Offset(1, 14) = NewColumnJKValue
            .Offset(1, 15) = NewColumnJLValue
            .Offset(1, 16) = NewColumnJMValue**
                '2021 pre-change value below
            .Offset(1, 18) = OldColumnMPValue
            .Offset(1, 19) = OldColumnMQValue
            .Offset(1, 20) = OldColumnMRValue
            .Offset(1, 21) = OldColumnMSValue
                '2021 post-change value below
            **.Offset(1, 22) = NewColumnMPValue
            .Offset(1, 23) = NewColumnMQValue
            .Offset(1, 24) = NewColumnMRValue
            .Offset(1, 25) = NewColumnMSValue**
                '2022 pre-change value below
            .Offset(1, 27) = OldColumnPVValue
            .Offset(1, 28) = OldColumnPWValue
            .Offset(1, 29) = OldColumnPXValue
            .Offset(1, 30) = OldColumnPYValue
                '2022 post-change value below
            **.Offset(1, 31) = NewColumnPVValue
            .Offset(1, 32) = NewColumnPWValue
            .Offset(1, 33) = NewColumnPXValue
            .Offset(1, 34) = NewColumnPYValue**
        End With
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Selection.Cells.Count = 1 Then
        OldValue = Target
           'Program name changed
        ColumnJValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 10)
           'Column header of changed cell
        **ColumnHeader = Range("A1")(Target.Row, (2, 0)**
           '2020 pre-change value below
        OldColumnJJValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 270)
        OldColumnJKValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 271)
        OldColumnJLValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 272)
        OldColumnJMValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 273)
           '2020 post-change value below
        **NewColumnJJValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 270)
        NewColumnJKValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 271)
        NewColumnJLValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 272)
        NewColumnJMValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 273)**
           '2021 pre-change value below
        OldColumnMPValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 354)
        OldColumnMQValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 355)
        OldColumnMRValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 356)
        OldColumnMSValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 357)
           '2021 post-change value below
        **NewColumnMPValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 354)
        NewColumnMQValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 355)
        NewColumnMRValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 356)
        NewColumnMSValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 367)**
           '2022 pre-change value below
        OldColumnPVValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 438)
        OldColumnPWValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 439)
        OldColumnPXValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 440)
        OldColumnPYValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 441)
           '2022 post-change value below
        **NewColumnPVValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 438)
        NewColumnPWValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 439)
        NewColumnPXValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 440)
        NewColumnPYValue = Range("A1")(Target.Row, 441)**
        Exit Sub
    End If
    MsgBox "Multiple cell selections are not allowed on this sheet", vbCritical
End Sub


  • I'm glad to learn from your comment that you solved your problem. Well done! I did think your tackling the task quite heroic and don't wish to either throw away my work, nor deprive you of its possible benefits. Please take gander.

    Option Explicit
    Private PrevVal(1)  As Variant      ' previously selected row data
                                        ' PrevVal(0) = row number, PrevVal(1) = row's data
    Enum Nws                            ' data tab (ActiveSheet)
        ' 147
        NwsHeaderRow = 2                ' change to suit (data start immediately below this row)
        NwsClmJ = 10                    ' Debug.Print Columns("J").Column
        NwsClmJJ = 270
        NwsClmJK                        ' no assigned value means preceding + 1
        NwsClmMP = 354
        NwsClmPV = 438
        NwsTop                      ' defining the last used column
    End Enum
    Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
        ' 147
        SetPrevVal ActiveCell.Row
    End Sub
    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
        ' 147
        SetPrevVal Target.Row
    End Sub
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        ' 147
        Dim TriggerRange    As Range        ' range of relevant changes
        Dim MsgTxt()        As String       ' error message
        Dim Log(1 To 34)    As Variant      ' Log entry
        Dim Employee        As String       ' employee's name (retrieved by VLOOKUP)
        Dim i               As Long         ' index of Log()
        Set TriggerRange = Range(Cells(NwsHeaderRow + 1, 1), _
                                 Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) _
                                 .Resize(, NwsTop - 1)
                                 Debug.Print TriggerRange.Address
        With Target
            If Not Application.Intersect(Target, TriggerRange) Is Nothing Then
                If .Cells.CountLarge > 1 Then
                    MsgTxt = Split("Please change only one cell at a time on this sheet." & _
                                 "|Unsupported user action", "|")
                    If IsEmpty(PrevVal) Then
                        MsgTxt = Split("?")
                    ElseIf PrevVal(0) <> .Row Then
                        MsgTxt = Split("?")
                    End If
                    If Join(MsgTxt) = "?" Then
                        MsgTxt = Split("Sorry, I lost the previous record." & vbCr & _
                                       "Please repeat the action." & _
                                     "|Internal error", "|")
                    End If
                End If
                If Len(Join(MsgTxt)) Then
                    MsgBox MsgTxt(0), vbCritical, MsgTxt(1)
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                Employee = ""        ' add empl name vlookup formula here
                For i = 1 To 8
                    Log(i) = Array(Environ("username"), Employee, Now, _
                                   ActiveSheet.Name, Cells(.Row, NwsClmJ).Value, _
                                   .Address(0, 0), PrevVal(1)(1, .Column), _
                                   .Value)(i - 1)
                Next i
                For i = 9 To 12
                    Log(i) = PrevVal(1)(1, NwsClmJJ + i - 9)
                    Log(i + 4) = Cells(.Row, NwsClmJJ + i - 9).Value
                Next i
                ' column 17 remains blank by your design
                For i = 18 To 21
                    Log(i) = PrevVal(1)(1, NwsClmMP + i - 18)
                    Log(i + 4) = Cells(.Row, NwsClmMP + i - 18).Value
                Next i
                ' column 26 remains blank by your design
                For i = 27 To 30
                    Log(i) = PrevVal(1)(1, NwsClmPV + i - 27)
                    Log(i + 4) = Cells(.Row, NwsClmPV + i - 27).Value
                Next i
                With Application
                    .EnableEvents = False
                    .ScreenUpdating = False
                End With
                With Worksheets("Log")
                    .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1) _
                           .Resize(1, UBound(Log)).Value = Log
                End With
                With Application
                    .EnableEvents = True
                    .ScreenUpdating = True
                End With
            End If
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Function SetPrevVal(ByVal R As Long) As Range
        ' 147
        Dim Rl      As Long         ' last used row in column [270]
        ' presuming that column 1 offers a relevant measurement
        Rl = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        ' don't record if the selection is in or above the caption row (NwsHeaderRow)
        ' or below the data range as defined by the end of 'FirstCl'
        ' you might add an exception for columns < `NwsClmJJ` ??
        If (R > NwsHeaderRow) And (R <= Rl) Then
            PrevVal(0) = R
            ' presuming that there is a header for every column in Header Row
            PrevVal(1) = DataRange(R).Value
        End If
    End Function
    Private Function DataRange(ByVal R As Long) As Range
        ' 147
        ' presuming that there is a header for every column in the Header Row
        Set DataRange = Range(Cells(R, 1), Cells(NwsHeaderRow, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft) _
                              .Offset(R - NwsHeaderRow))
    End Function

    For lack of data, I did some very limited testing on this code: It does create a log entry, largely along the lines your code appears to suggest. Once you get the hang of it it's as transparent as your own, which gives me hope that you will be able to follow it and, for example, insert the missing Employee Name. It's very easy to add date or columns, and it's much faster than what you had. There are quite a few comments too, which should prove helpful.

    One word about the "old" values. I replaced your many public variables with a single array which records all data in one row. It does so when the sheet is loaded (activated) and thereafter on every click. If, by whatever reason (which mostly happen during testing) the array isn't available or the wrong array is available the user will be prompted to repeat his change. It's rather watertight.