How do you run a jQuery script when creating a new post. I was able to enqueue the script and can see the .js file in the editor but the code won't execute. I know there's a special way to run jquery code in the admin but can't find that way. The code is a simple script to change the background of a button that's using ACF when you click on it. I was able to get it to work on codepen -
Here's the code:
<div class="acf-field acf-field-button-group acf-field-5fe2d3efcb5f8" data-name="box_photo_deets" data-type="button_group" data-key="field_5fe2d3efcb5f8" data-conditions="[[{"field":"field_5f8bec0f9f45d","operator":"!=empty"}]]">
<div class="acf-label"></div>
<div class="acf-input">
<input type="hidden" name="acf-block_5fe163b63d274[field_5fe2d3efcb5f8]">
<div class="acf-button-group"><label class="selected"><input type="radio" name="acf-block_5fe163b63d274[field_5fe2d3efcb5f8]" value="box_show_deets" checked="checked"> Show details</label></div></div>
Here's the script:
(function ($) {
$(window).on('my.custom.event', function () {
$(".acf-field-5fe2d3efcb5f8 .acf-input .acf-button-group label").click(function(){
$(".acf-field-5fe2d3efcb5f8 .acf-input .acf-button-group label.selected").css('background','black');
Let the DOM ready before the logic.
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".acf-field-5fe2d3efcb5f8 .acf-input .acf-button-group label")
.click(function() {
$(".acf-field-5fe2d3efcb5f8 .acf-input .acf-button-group label.selected")