I'm using java swing to create an app, but I'm also stuck trying to load some font! Here is the problem: I Have a resource folder with some custom font, when I try to load them using this code:
public static Font CustomFont(String path) {
Font customFont = loadFont(path, 24f);
System.out.println(customFont == null);
GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
return customFont;
public static Font loadFont(String path, float size){
try {
Font myFont = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, Launcher.class.getResourceAsStream(path));
return myFont.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, size);
} catch (FontFormatException | IOException e) {
return null;
public static Font Nunito;
public static void init() {
Nunito = CustomFont("Fonts/Nunito/Nunito-BlackItalic.ttf");
This is my resource folder: My project file and folder
It always show me error depending on the path.
Example: Cant read font file data.
I needed to add /
before the Font
like this:
Nunito = CustomFont("/Fonts/Nunito/Nunito-BlackItalic.ttf");
Also my resources folder wasn't in my java folder. Now it look like this: Solution project file and code
You may want to have a read on Accessing Resources in Java.
You need leading / denotes the root of your class path as well as the resource package name.
Nunito = CustomFont("/resources/Fonts/Nunito/Nunito-BlackItalic.ttf");
With that being said I can't tell where you class is, it's weird your resources folder/package is separate from your java usually they would be in the same folder just in a different package.