In our JEE application, we created a new annotation @MyAnnotation that we're setting on CDI beans (@ApplicationScoped).
Then we have an interceptor that intercepts all the beans with the @MyAnnotation annotation.
The problem is that it doesn't work for beans that were created by @Produces method.
Meaning the interceptor is not getting invoked.
So if we have this class:
public class OtherClass
private MyBean myBean;
public void f()
Then the below will work:
public class MyBean
public void g() {}
But the below will not:
public class MyBeanProducer
public MyBean create()
return new MyBean();
Is there a way to make the interceptor to intercept CDI beans that are created with @Produces?
The solution is to use InterceptionFactory (from CDI 2.0) to proxy the bean produced by @Poduces method, meaning:
public class MyBeanProducer
public MyBean create(InterceptionFactory<MyBean> interceptionFactory)
return interceptionFactory.createInterceptedInstance(new MyBean());
@MyAnnotation should be on MyBean.
MyBean MUST HAVE a no-args constructor to be proxyable, because interceptionFactory.createInterceptedInstance() is doing exactly that - proxing the MyBean instance.
I found the solution here