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Adding noise vector in a signal vector using matlab

I have two vectors. One is of noise and one is of my signal. If I want to add noise vector to signal vector how can i do it. My noise dimension is 41001x1 and my signal is 88200x1.


  • Here is the code to product a signal and noise of the dimensions you mentioned:

    time = (1:88200)';
    sig = sin(0.005 * time);
    noise = 0.1 * randn(41001, 1);

    Since you cannot add two vectors of the same length, I chose to replicate the noise signal by repeating it so that it is the same length as sig:

    multiplier = ceil(length(sig) / length(noise));
    noise = repmat(noise, multiplier, 1);
    noise = noise(1:length(sig));

    Now the noise and sig are the same length they can be added and plotted together

    plot(time, noise + sig)

    In this answer, I'm assuming that noise and sig have the same sample rate, but noise is just too short for some reason. If the noise signal is at a different sample rate, then you would want to use interp1 or resample to get the same sample rate and number of points.