While reading Head First JSP and Servlets, I learnt that forward slash (/) is used to represent root of Container. So notice how in this example from the book, there is no myApp
when using (/).
But when they are forwarding request (and not using response.sendRedirect), they specify (/). Pay attention to the part where they write /result.jsp
in this picture:
I am a little confused right now. I have project called myApp
. And inside it I have index.html, servlet.class and result.jsp.
What I get in the end in browser is http://localhost:8080/myApp/result.jsp. But while reading link I provided at the top, it should be http://localhost:8080/result.jsp. Because as I said (and so did the link), forward slash (/) represents root of container. And root is http://localhost:8080 and not http://localhost:8080/myApp.
What the weirdest thing is that it works both ways - if I type result.jsp and /result.jsp. Can someone please clear this, as it is killing me :)
The thing I am mostly confused is how does /result.jsp
even work, when it should take us to http://localhost:8080/result.jsp and my result.jsp
is inside myApp and not inside Container technically.
As per the documentation
If the path begins with a "/" it is interpreted as relative to the current context root.
So the path is relative to your context root, not your whole application server.