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Retrieving privilege name from LUID

I am writing a method for finding out the privilege name associated with a given LUID. The following is the code for the same :

private string PrivilegeName(LUID luid)
    StringBuilder sbuilder = new StringBuilder();
    int nameLength = 0;
    IntPtr ptrToLuid = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(luid));
    Marshal.StructureToPtr(luid, ptrToLuid, true);
    if(!InvokeAPI.LookupPrivilegeName(null, ptrToLuid, null, ref nameLength))
        Console.WriteLine("Unable to lookup value.");
        return null;
    sbuilder.EnsureCapacity(nameLength + 1);

    InvokeAPI.LookupPrivilegeName(null, ptrToLuid, sbuilder, ref nameLength);

    return sbuilder.ToString();

For reference my LUID structure looks like this

public struct LUID
    public UInt32 LowPart;
    public Int32 HighPart;

While executing this code I get a ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER (122) instead of the privilege name associated with the LUID.

Could someone help me out on what I am missing in the above code that prevents me from retrieving the privilege name ?


  • Written "better" pinvoke, written inside a comment an explanation of the error. Written inside comments the funny handling of lengths of LookupPrivilegeName.

    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    public static extern bool LookupPrivilegeName(
        string lpSystemName,
        ref LUID lpLuid,
        StringBuilder lpName,
        ref int cchName);
    private static string PrivilegeName(LUID luid)
        StringBuilder sbuilder = new StringBuilder();
        int nameLength = 0;
        LookupPrivilegeName(null, ref luid, sbuilder, ref nameLength);
        // Will always fail with nameLength == 0. We simply check that nameLength != 0
        if (nameLength == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Unable to lookup value.");
            return null;
        // On "failure" (that is really a success, only we get 
        // just the length), nameLength is the length required 
        // for the buffer, including the \0
        // On a success of this second call, nameLength is the 
        // "real" length of the name, excluding the \0
        // so on a success, now nameLength = oldNameLength - 1
        // Don't ask, it is absurd... Classical case where the 
        // Windows API are quite random in their handling of 
        // buffer lengths
        if (!LookupPrivilegeName(null, ref luid, sbuilder, ref nameLength))
            Console.WriteLine("Unable to lookup value.");
            return null;
        return sbuilder.ToString();