I am writing a c# code where I need to check if an IoT device is disabled from the Azure Hub. Please help me with the c# code snippet how can I check it in the code if the device is enabled and disabled. Currently I am testing with 10 devices. Please help.
I refer to this post(How to disable Enable connection to IoT Hub?), and I guess we can use below code to test it.
Offical Doc:
Related Post
1. How to disable Enable connection to IoT Hub?
Dictionary<string,int> dic = new Dictionary<string, int>();
// key-value deviceid--status
dic.Add("deviceid10", -1);
// init RegistryManager
var registryManager = RegistryManager.CreateFromConnectionString(iotHubConnectionString);
Device device = null;
foreach (var item in dic)
device= registryManager.GetDeviceAsync(item.Key);
if (device != null)
dic[item.Key] = device.Status.DeviceStatus;
if (dic[item.Key] == -1)
Console.WriteLine("deviceid=" + item.Key + " , device not found");
else {
Console.WriteLine("deviceid=" + item.Key + " , status=" + (dic[item.Key] == 1 ? "Disabled" : "Enabled"));