I have a simple typescript Notification class that I'm trying to instantiate and save to firestore
let notification = new Notification(
new User(followerDoc.username, followerDoc.photoUrl)
Which throws
Error: Value for argument "data" is not a valid Firestore document. Couldn't serialize object of type "User" (found in field "users.
"). Firestore doesn't support JavaScript objects with custom prototypes (i.e. objects that were created via the "new" operator).
I can expand the object manually and save it like this:
isRead: notification.isRead,
users: [{username: notification.users[0].username, photoUrl: notification.users[0].photoUrl}],
notNamedCount: notification.notNamedCount,
type: "followers",
But that's more work than I'd like to do. Is there a way to save objects created with the "new" operator to firestore?
No, it's not possible. The error message is telling you that you must provide a plain JavaScript object whose keys and values are the fields you want to create in the document. The Firestore SDK will not accept a custom object. Consider instead making a method on your Notification object that converts it to a plain object, like you would expect from any object with a toJSON method.