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Powershell: How to properly count number of items in array of objects when there is only one object left in array

I have an array of objects with N properties each. I perform a subset operation using Where-Object like this, for instance:

$mySubset = $myArrayOfObjects | Where-Object {($_.Property1 -eq 'ABC') -and ($_.Property2 -eq 'DEF')}

I then need to check how many objects I have in this array. I do it like this:


When I have more than one object in the subset array, it shows number of objects. But when I have only one object left in $mySubset - it doesn't treat it as array with one element, and $mySubset.Count returns N - number of properties in each object. This is the problem. How do I convince Powershell to treat $mySubset as an array with 1 item in it in this case?


  • The most PowerShell-idiomatic solution is to use @(), the array-subexpression operator, which ensures that a command's output is treated as an array even if only one object is returned:

    $mySubset = @($myArrayOfObjects | ...)

    To get the count directly: @($myArrayOfObjects | ...).Count

    You can also use an [array] type constraint - in essence, a cast placed to the left of the target variable - which doesn't require modification of the RHS:

    [array] $mySubset = $myArrayOfObjects | ...