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Render vue component in data

I trying to make custom tooltip for apexcharts like in example:

tooltip: {
  custom: function({series, seriesIndex, dataPointIndex, w}) {
    return '<div class="arrow_box">' +
      '<span>' + series[seriesIndex][dataPointIndex] + '</span>' +

and it's works, but when I set in return some vue component nothing shows.

tooltip: {
  custom: function({series, seriesIndex, dataPointIndex, w}) {
    return '<MyComponent/>'
   <div>Just simple component</div>

export default { name: "MyComponent" }

Why is this happening and how to fix it?


  • To make Vue render the component correctly, you'll have to tell it to in the custom tooltip function:

    tooltip: {
      custom: ({series, seriesIndex, dataPointIndex, w}) => {
        // create component constructor
        var TooltipComponent = Vue.extend({
          template: '<my-component/>'
        // create an instance of tooltip and mount it
        var tooltip = new TooltipComponent();
        // Return the html
        return tooltip.$el.outerHTML;

    If you need data or other reactivity it becomes a bit more complicated, see for more information.