Seems Angle Brackets Are Not Allowed in the createElement Method has some impact on plugins.
I do not have the plugin, nor IE9 but for my own education, what is a proper way to code the following two lines in jQuery 1.6+
$('<div id="'+options.loupeWrap.substring(1)+'"><div id="'+options.loupe.substring(1)+'" /></div>').appendTo(options.appendTo);
$('<div id="'+options.zoomWrapper.substring(1)+'" />').appendTo(options.loupe);
for example I have seen
$('<div class="bla"></div>')
but not $('<div id="bla"></div>')
and am curious how to cleanly create a div with an ID and chain it to another div with an ID using the best practice jQuery possible and not just something that works because jQuery is very clever.
I also checked out wrap
This SEEMS to be valid and correct
Is it?
Thanks for your input.
This is how I did it with jQuery:
$('<div>', {
id: 'outsidediv'
}).append( $('<div>', {
id: 'innerdiv'
Example: JsFiddle Demo * The example shows how you can add html to the divs