I have: In Dao:
@Query("SELECT * FROM person_table WHERE status = :status_mudak ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 5")
Single<List<Person>> getFivePersonsFrom(String status_mudak);
In Repo:
public class PersonRepository {
public Single<List<Person>> getFivePersonsFrom(String status_mudak) {
return mPersonDao.getFivePersonsFrom(status_mudak);
In ViewModel:
public class PersonViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
private PersonRepository mRepository;
//declaring variables
public PersonViewModel(@NonNull Application application) {
mRepository = new PersonRepository(application);
//initializing variables
Where in ViewModel I have to allocate threads, to handover method further to LiveData?
public class PersonViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
private PersonRepository mRepository;
private MutableLiveData<List<Person>> mPersonList = MutableLiveData<List<Person>>();
//declaring variables
public PersonViewModel(@NonNull Application application) {
mRepository = new PersonRepository(application);
//initializing variables
LiveData<List<Person>> getPersonList() {
return mPersonList;
private void extractPersonList() {
private void updatePersonList(List<Person> personList) {