Exploring word add-ins world. Want to create a list of paragraphs and navigate to each by click on it(some kind of table of content)
I have created code(on reactjs, but it does not matter which framework to use)
When I click on any button the callback is invoked, no errors in console, but the navigation does not happen.
Question: How can I pass some context data between Word.run
calls to achieve this kind of behavior?
import * as React from 'react'
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
const findAllParagraphs = async () => {
return Word.run(context => {
const contentControls = context.document.body.paragraphs.load('text')
return context
.then(() => contentControls.items)
export const App = ({ isOfficeInitialized }) => {
const [paras, setParas] = useState<any[]>([])
useEffect(() => {
const loadParagraphs = async () => {
setParas(await findAllParagraphs())
if (isOfficeInitialized) {
}, [isOfficeInitialized])
const navToPar = async (par: Word.Paragraph) => {
return await Word.run(async context => {
return await context.sync()
const renderList = () => {
return paras.filter(({ text }) => !!text).map((par: Word.Paragraph, i) => {
return (
<button onClick={() => navToPar(par)} key={i}>
{par.text.substr(0, 30)}...
return (<div>{renderList()}</div>)
Please import this snippet into Script Lab so you can run an example of how you can solve the problem.
The cited snippet is doing a search in a document (it searches for the text "Word"), it stores each result (range) in an array of ranges ("rangesAr") and it shows each one as an item in a listbox. Then you can select a range from the list and navigates to it. I think you can do something similar for paragraphs.