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EXtracting number in VBA while using IF - REFRESH

I want to extract a number in a String and apply this number to the IF function, but if the source row changes the If function that contains the VBA function does NOT refresh.

Exemple> Source row= 10VBA

Public Function JustNumber(ByVal vValor As String) As String
   Application.Volatile True
    Dim vQtdeCaract As Long
    Dim vControle   As Boolean
    vQtdeCaract = Len(vValor)
    vControle = False
    For i = 1 To vQtdeCaract
        If IsNumeric(Mid(vValor, i, 1)) Then
            If vControle = True And JustNumber <> vbNullString Then
                JustNumber = JustNumber + "/"
            End If
            vControle = False
            JustNumber = JustNumber & Mid(vValor, i, 1)
            vControle = True
        End If
End Function

returns the number 10

=IF(JustNumber(source row)=10;"True";"False")

Returns "True"

But, if I change the source row the IF fuction doesn't change, there is a way to refresh the function after the change in the Source row to 15VBA, making the function = "False" ?


  • Some suggestions:

    • Name your procedures and variables to something meaningful
    • Use Option Explicit at the top of your modules

    Some adjustments:

    • You're getting a string from the function result (you either can change the function result or evaluate the number as string in the Excel formula)
    • I simplified the loop to extract the numbers


    Public Function numbersFromString(ByVal evalString As String) As Double
        Application.Volatile True
        ' Get string length
        Dim stringLength As Integer
        stringLength = Len(evalString)
        ' Loop through characters in string and extract numbers
        Dim resultString As String
        Dim counter As Long
        For counter = 1 To stringLength
            If IsNumeric(Mid(evalString, counter, 1)) Then resultString = resultString & Mid(evalString, counter, 1)
        Next counter
        ' Check if there are any numbers
        If Len(resultString) > 0 Then
            ' Convert to number
            numbersFromString = CDbl(resultString)
        End If
    End Function