I have a spreadsheet with multiple tabs and each tab has a table. I want a button per tab to insert rows to the bottom of that table (by not having to select a cell) and copy the formulas from the row above it. Here is what I have:
-ask how many rows to insert -default insert is 1 -otherwise, use that variable to insert at bottom and copy formulas
Sub InsertRows()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Variant
j = InputBox("How many rows would you like to add?", "Insert Rows")
If j = "" Then
j = 1
End If
For i = 1 to j
Dim newrow As ListRow
Set newrow = tbl.ListRows.Add
With newrow.Range
.Cells(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulas
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
End Sub
I'm not sure how to implement the i
and j
from the input into the For
This is my approach:
Replace Table1
and Table2
with table names of each sheet
' Macros to associate with buttons
Public Sub InsertRowsInTable1()
InsertRowsInTable "Table1"
End Sub
Public Sub InsertRowsInTable2()
InsertRowsInTable "Table2"
End Sub
Generic code:
' Generic procedure to add table rows
Private Sub InsertRowsInTable(ByVal targetTableName As String)
' Ask user how many rows to ask
Dim rowsToAdd As Variant
rowsToAdd = InputBox("How many rows would you like to add?", "Insert Rows", 1)
' If user didn't input anything, default to 1
If rowsToAdd = vbNullString Then rowsToAdd = 1
Dim targetTable As ListObject
Set targetTable = Range(targetTableName).ListObject
' Resize the table to add rows
targetTable.Resize targetTable.Range.Resize(targetTable.Range.Rows.Count + rowsToAdd)
End Sub