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How to change DataLabels color by using LiveCharts

I am using Live Charts for Line chart and column chart. I have enable data labels function. But I use dark color as background. It make the data label look very obscure. I can't find where I can change the data labels color. Anyone know how to change it? enter image description here

in C#

        ProductionAndTargetCollection = new SeriesCollection
            new LineSeries
                Title = "Target",
                Values = DailyTargetValue,
                DataLabels = true,
                LineSmoothness = 0
             new ColumnSeries
                Title = "Production",
                DataLabels = true,
                Values = DailyProductionValue

in WPF

              <lvc:CartesianChart Name="MidRightChart" Series="{Binding ProductionAndTargetCollection}" DisableAnimations="True">
                    <lvc:Axis LabelsRotation="0" Labels="{Binding ProductionAndTargetLabels}" Foreground="White" Position="LeftBottom">
                        <lvc:Axis.Separator >
                            <lvc:Separator Step="1"></lvc:Separator>
                    <lvc:Axis Foreground="White" MinValue="0"/>


  • You should set the Foreground property of the Series to change the colour of the data labels:

    new ColumnSeries
        Title = "Production",
        DataLabels = true,
        Values = DailyProductionValue,
        Foreground = Brushes.Red // <--