Search code examples

Delete cell value with VLOOKUP VBA

I am trying to delete a cell value based on a VLOOKUP search but it's throwing me error " method range of object _global failed 1004 " The error appears when I am trying to delete the username.

Private Sub Delete_Click()
Dim sht As String
Dim username as String

'Selects the worksheet based on combobox value.
sht = Me.Combobox1.Value
'Use a VLOOKUP to Search for the username on a worksheet previously selected on
'sht variable. 
username = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Me.textbox1.Value,
 Worksheets(sht).Range("A:F"), 1, 
'Delete the username found on the VLOOKUP


  • There are many mistakes in your syntax. Please try this code. I think it implements your idea.

    Private Sub Delete_Click()
        Dim Sht             As Worksheet
        Dim UserName        As String
        Dim R               As Long
        ' Sets the worksheet based on Combobox value.
        Set Sht = Worksheets(Me.Combobox1.Value)
        UserName = Me.TextBox1.Value
        ' Use MATCH to Search for the username on worksheet Sht
        On Error Resume Next
        R = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match( _
                        UserName, Sht.Columns("A"), 0)
        If Err Then
            MsgBox """" & UserName & """ wasn't found."
            'Delete the username found by the MATCH function
            Sht.Cells(R, "A").ClearContents
        End If
    End Sub