I'm making a site that works flawless in Chrome and Firefox. But in Safari it doesn't work. But there is no errors or warnings in my console. Where do i start ?
Does not work in Safari 5.0.5(mac) and IE9.
I think the problem is in the script that loads in from Flickr.
http://aalborguni.jonasjonasjonas.dk/arkiktektonisk-mestervaerk/ - check it out if you got the time :)
i found the answer to this stupid bug.
The problem was that the orbit-script was initialized before the flickr-script. And therefore it was not able to determine the width/height of the image.
In this case i found a simple solution by hardcoding the height/width into the flickr-loader - and the initializing Orbit once that was done.
Thanks for all of your help!