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How does one handle DOM events from various buttons by a single handler function

I'm not sure if it's possible, but I'd like to use one unique function to trigger 4 different buttons to count a value (+ and -). But there are four different span values, for example, if I trigger forest it will only add or remove from forest, if I do it for town it will only trigger for town, and so on.

// set inital value to zero
let count = 0;
// select value and buttons
const valueForest = document.querySelector("#valueForest");
const btns = document.querySelectorAll(".btn");

btns.forEach(function (btn) {
  btn.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
    const styles = e.currentTarget.classList;
    if (styles.contains("decrease")) {
    } else if (styles.contains("increase")) {
    } else {
      count = 0;

    if (count > 0) { = "green";
    if (count < 0) { = "red";
    if (count === 0) { = "#222";
    valueForest.textContent = count;
<div class="scoreDiv">
  <h3>Input below the quantity of each tile in the end of the game:</h3>
  <div class="scoreItem">
      <button class="btn decrease">-</button>
      <span class="value" id="valueForest">0</span>
      <button class="btn increase">+</button>
  <div class="scoreItem">
      <button class="btn decrease">-</button>
      <span class="value" id="valueTown">0</span>
      <button class="btn increase">+</button>
  <div class="scoreItem">
      <button class="btn decrease">-</button>
      <span class="value" id="valueProduction">0</span>
      <button class="btn increase">+</button>
  <div class="scoreItem">
      <button class="btn decrease">-</button>
      <span class="value" id="valueFactory">0</span>
      <button class="btn increase">+</button>


  • yes, with event delegation

    this way:

    const scoreDiv = document.querySelector('div.scoreDiv') // the parent Div
    scoreDiv.onclick = e => // get all clicks everywhere upon this parent Div
      if (!'div.scoreItem > button.btn ')) return  // ignore other clicks
      let countEl ='div.scoreItem').querySelector('span.value')
        , newVal  = +countEl.textContent + ('.decrease') ? -1 : +1)
        ; = (newVal > 0) ? 'green' :  (newVal < 0) ? 'red' : '#222'
      countEl.textContent = newVal;
    span.value {
      display       : inline-block; 
      width         : 5em; 
      text-align    : right; 
      padding-right : .5em;
      font-weight   : bold;
    <div class="scoreDiv">
      <h3>Input below the quantity of each tile in the end of the game:</h3>
      <div class="scoreItem">
        <button class="btn decrease">-</button>
        <span class="value" id="valueForest">0</span>
        <button class="btn increase">+</button>
      <div class="scoreItem">
        <button class="btn decrease">-</button>
        <span class="value" id="valueTown">0</span>
        <button class="btn increase">+</button>
      <div class="scoreItem">
        <button class="btn decrease">-</button>
        <span class="value" id="valueProduction">0</span>
        <button class="btn increase">+</button>
      <div class="scoreItem">
        <button class="btn decrease">-</button>
        <span class="value" id="valueFactory">0</span>
        <button class="btn increase">+</button>

    Explanations about

    if (!'div.scoreItem > button.btn')) return  

    First of all the event handler scoreDiv.onclick = e => concern everything inside

    <div class="scoreDiv"> 
      // everything inside

    So this get any click event in this space is processed by this arrow function.
    It could be a click:
    on the H3 element
    , or one of the span elements
    , or any the H4 elements
    , everything !
    , even the spaces between any elements.

    the event [e] have diffrents properties
    e.currentTarget --> is a reference to the caller element (here it is scoreDiv [div.scoreItem]) --> is a reference to the element where the click happen

    for this job we need to do only increment / decrement operations.
    that's mean we have to ignore any click event witch is not on the plus or minus buttons.
    This 8 buttons are : <button class="btn decrease">-</button> or <button class="btn increase">-</button>

    All this buttons correspond to CSS = div.scoreItem > button.btn

    In javascript the code for testing that is'div.scoreItem > button.btn')

    will return a boolean value (true or false)

    There is now a strategy: Instead of making a big

    if ('div.scoreItem > button.btn') ) 
      // with many lines of code 
      //until the closing 
    // and then quit the function

    and because this is a function we use a Logical NOT (!)
    to make a direct return from function, coded like that:

    if (!'div.scoreItem > button.btn')) return  

    The main interest is to quickly free the event manager in case of another element (present in scoreDiv) have is own click eventHandler.