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Need help converting bbcode URLs that contain spaces to valid markdown

As part of some data migration I'm converting user content from bbcode to markdown.

I'm doing the conversion in a custom MySQL 8.0.22 function, which contains the following line to convert bbcode [url] tags to markdown:

SET markdown = REGEXP_REPLACE(markdown, '\\[url=([^\\]]+)\\](.*?)\\[\\/url\\]', '[$2]($1)', 1, 0, 'i');

This performs as expected, for example:

[url=]SO[/url] converts corectly to [SO](

The problem is: some of the URLs contain spaces, which isn't valid markdown and isn't displaying correctly on my client-side.

Is it possible to modify my REGEXP_REPLACE statement to replace spaces in the links with "%20"?

I'd like to do it all in MySQL if possible, but can do the processing on each record in C# if necessary.

For completeness, my entire bbcode to markdown function is:

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `func_bb_to_md`(bbcode MEDIUMTEXT) RETURNS mediumtext CHARSET utf8mb4
    SET markdown = bbcode;
    SET markdown = REGEXP_REPLACE(markdown, '\\[code\\](.*?)\\[\\/code\\]', '`$1`', 1, 0, 'i'); 
    SET markdown = REGEXP_REPLACE(markdown, '\\[url\\](.*?)\\[\\/url\\]', '<$1>', 1, 0, 'i'); 
    SET markdown = REGEXP_REPLACE(markdown, '\\[url=([^\\]]+)\\](.*?)\\[\\/url\\]', '[$2]($1)', 1, 0, 'i'); 
    SET markdown = REGEXP_REPLACE(markdown, '\\[img\\](.*?)\\[\\/img\\]', '![]($1)', 1, 0, 'i'); 
    SET markdown = REGEXP_REPLACE(markdown, '\\[yt\\](.*?)\\[\\/yt\\]', '![]($1)', 1, 0, 'i'); 
    SET markdown = REGEXP_REPLACE(markdown, '\\[b\\](.*?)\\[\\/b\\]', '**$1**', 1, 0, 'i'); 
    SET markdown = REGEXP_REPLACE(markdown, '\\[i\\](.*?)\\[\\/i\\]', '*$1*', 1, 0, 'i'); 
    SET markdown = REGEXP_REPLACE(markdown, '\\[u\\](.*?)\\[\\/u\\]', '$1', 1, 0, 'i'); 
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, '[list]', ''); 
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, '[list=1]', ''); 
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, '[/list]', ''); 
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, '[*]', '* '); 
    SET markdown = REGEXP_REPLACE(markdown, '\\[color=([^\\]]+)\\](.*?)\\[\\/color\\]', '$2', 1, 0, 'i'); 
    SET markdown = REGEXP_REPLACE(markdown, '\\[quote\\](.*?)\\[\\/quote\\]', '> $1', 1, 0, 'i'); 
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, ':)', '{{slightly_smiling_face}}');
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, ';)', '{{wink}}');
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, ':D', '{{grin}}');
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, ':P', '{{stuck_out_tongue}}');
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, ':(', '{{frowning_face}}');
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, ':''(', '{{cry}}');
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, ':.', '{{flushed}}');
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, ':|', '{{neutral_face}}');
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, ':O', '{{open_mouth}}');
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, ':@', '{{angry}}');
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, ':S', '{{confused}}');
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, ':$', '{{blush}}');
    SET markdown = REGEXP_REPLACE(markdown, '\\{\\{(.*?)\\}\\}', ':$1:', 1, 0, 'i');
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, '\r\n', '\n');
    SET markdown = REPLACE(markdown, '\n', '\r\n');

    RETURN markdown;


  • In C#, you may use Regex.Replace with a match evaluator to manipulate the captured texts. In MySQL REGEXP_REPLACE, you do not have this option.

    So, you can use

    var markdown = "[url= b]SO[/url]";
    var p = @"(?i)\[url=([^]]+)](.*?)\[/url]";
    var result = Regex.Replace(markdown, p, x => 
            $"[{x.Groups[2].Value}]({x.Groups[1].Value.Replace(" ","%20")})");

    See this C# demo online.

    The (?i)\[url=([^]]+)](.*?)\[/url] regex matches (in a case insensitive way) [url=, captures any one or more chars other than ] into Group 1, then [/url] substring. The match is passed to the match evaluator, x is a match object. $"[{x.Groups[2].Value}]({x.Groups[1].Value.Replace(" ","%20")})") does all the necessary manipulation.