I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here but I can't seem to get my message from the server to the client. Here is what I have so far:
protected virtual void RegisterHandlers(bool enable)
if (enable)
The above is called when the instance starts to register a new handler. Then I have the client call:
ClientRequestLoadScene msg = new ClientRequestLoadScene();
msg.scene = scene;
This is received by the server fine. Then the server runs the following:
private void OnClientRequestedToLoadScene(NetworkConnection conn, ClientRequestLoadScene msg)
ServerRequestLoadScene server_msg = new ServerRequestLoadScene();
server_msg.scene = msg.scene;
NetworkServer.SendToClientOfPlayer(conn.identity, msg);
The above message is never received by the client. I have also tried: NetworkServer.SendToAll(msg);
and that is never received by the client either. What am I doing wrong?
The issue with the above is with these lines:
server_msg.scene = msg.scene;
NetworkServer.SendToClientOfPlayer(conn.identity, msg);
It needed to be:
server_msg.scene = msg.scene;