I am trying to add a javascript file that generated via Transcrypt from Python file.
However, when I add that script to my HTML file, there are some errors appeared in Console and I failed.
The Python file that I used: try.py
def greet():
name = document.getElementById("Name").value
if name == "" or name.length == 0 or name == null:
document.getElementById("groet").innerHTML = '<p><font color="#ff0000">Hello Anonymous, may I know yor name? Please insert it below:</font></p>'
document.getElementById("groet").innerHTML = '<p><font color="#00ff00">Hello, '+name+', thank you for introducing you</font></p>'
After that script, I ran the command python3 -m transcrypt -b try.py
and a folder called "target" created automatically and it contains a file "try.js".
So, I wrote a HTML file which is a basic sample that shows a greeting message: hello.html
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<script src="__target__/try.js"></script>
<title>Insert Text</title>
<body onload=try.greet()>
<h2>Hello Demo Name</h2>
<div id = "groet">...</div>
<p>Your Name: <input name="name" type="text" maxlength="80" id="Name" value=""/> [Please enter your name]<br><br>
<button onclick=try.greet()>Refresh the greeting!</button>
I am expecting that when I clicked the button or reload the file the greeting message should be placed. However, in console I got two errors:
Uncaught SyntaxError: import declarations may only appear at top level of a module try.js:1:13
Uncaught SyntaxError: missing { before try block hello.html:1:3
So, what is the problem guys?
[EDIT] After the T.J's answer, I updated the html file as following:
'use strict';import{AssertionError,AttributeError,BaseException,DeprecationWarning,Exception,IndexError,IterableError,KeyError,NotImplementedError,RuntimeWarning,StopIteration,UserWarning,ValueError,Warning,__JsIterator__,__PyIterator__,__Terminal__,__add__,__and__,__call__,__class__,__envir__,__eq__,__floordiv__,__ge__,__get__,__getcm__,__getitem__,__getslice__,__getsm__,__gt__,__i__,__iadd__,__iand__,__idiv__,__ijsmod__,__ilshift__,__imatmul__,__imod__,__imul__,__in__,__init__,__ior__,__ipow__,
getattr,hasattr,input,int,isinstance,issubclass,len,list,map,max,min,object,ord,pow,print,property,py_TypeError,py_iter,py_metatype,py_next,py_reversed,py_typeof,range,repr,round,set,setattr,sorted,str,sum,tuple,zip}from"./org.transcrypt.__runtime__.js";var __name__="__main__";export var greet=function(){var py_name=document.getElementById("Name").value;if(py_name==""||py_name.length==0||py_name==null)document.getElementById("groet").innerHTML='<p><font color="#ff0000">Hello Anonymous, may I know yor name? Please insert it below:</font></p>';
else document.getElementById("groet").innerHTML='<p><font color="#00ff00">Hello, '+py_name+", thank you for introducing you</font></p>"};
//# sourceMappingURL=hello.map
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<script type="module">
import { greet } from "./hello.js";
<title>Insert Text</title>
<h2>Hello Demo Name</h2>
<div id = "groet">...</div>
<p>Your Name: <input name="name" type="text" maxlength="80" id="Name" value=""/> [Please enter your name]<br><br>
<button id="greetButton">Refresh the greeting!</button>
In addition to @T.J. Crowder's answer, I changed the script in html as:
<script type="module">
import * as hello from "./__target__/hello.js";
window.hello = hello;
As explained in the tutorial of Transcrypt.
With this way, I can call the Python function on button's click.