I recently created an app and launched in Google Play. Yesterday I re-uploaded another version fixing a minor bug. I can see View on Google Play
text and link next to my app name. But, when I clicked on it I see We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server.
error. I can't see the app on Playstore by searching as well.
Reading some other questions, I noticed this is a rising issue in Google Play developer console in this year, probably after the new console is released. Some say we need to wait till IARC rating is approved, so I checked it as well.
I checked IARC rating for my app as the following. I can't see the IARC rating ID.
Then I checked the release dashboard, I noticed my first release and the immediate update is still under review.
So, what is going on here? In my experience, I only see View on Google Play
link only if the app is available in the playstore.
Here I see View on Google Play
link, but release dashboard says both updates are in review and IARC does not show the ID, so I suspect it's still pending to be reviewed as well.
What's going on here? Google Play console is now buggy?
Well, there was no issue. Google play URL get available as soon as you published an app. If you navigate into release
section, you will see the app is under review
Google took around 12 days to review my app