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NextJS using React's Context API with a layout component wrapper

My setup is as following. I have a layout component where I add a navigation component and children. I wrap them with my Provider like this



Now the <Navigation/> component has access to the data returned by React.useContext(ContextProvider). However a child component of Layout does not! If I try to console.log(state) in the <Navigation/> component I get back the actual data as expected.

But when I have a child component like this:


 <div>Some content</div>

The state is always undefined. The only way I managed to solve this issue was by wrapping the Provider around the Component in the _app.js file. Does anyone know how to solve this without wrapping the provider around the <Component/> from _app.js file?


  • That is not possible.
    Every component that should have access to one context MUST be descendants of THE SAME context provider.

    If you put the context provider inside a wrapper component, and this wrapper component is used in multiple different positions, each instance has a separate context provider, which is a different state. That just does not work.

    If you do not want your context provider to be in _app.js, then you may put it inside any child component, but still every component that wants to use the state has to be a descendant of the context provider.


        <NoDoesNotHaveStore />
        <ContextProvider store={ myStore }>
            <YesDoesHaveStore />
            <YesAlsoDoesHaveStore />

    You may wrap the context provider:

    const SomeWrapper = function(props){
        return <ContextProvider store={ myStore }>
           { props.children }
        <NoDoesNotHaveStore />
            <YesDoesHaveStore />
            <YesAlsoDoesHaveStore />
        <NoStoreAgain />

    But not multiple times:

    const SomeWrapper = function(props){
        return <ContextProvider store={ myStore }>
           { props.children }
            <HasStoreA />
            <HasDifferentStoreB />

    Also note that in Next.js, under certain circumstances, the store might be different on server side vs. client side, or on first render vs. clicking a Next-Link.