I am storing a value in my user storage (in my case the city of which the user wants to hear the news). I want the user to be able to change this city and thus change the user storage. I have tried multiple things but did not get it to work yet, hope that someone can help.
When the user chooses to change the city, the regio_kiezen intent is called. This intent asks which city you want using an entity called regio which contains multiple cities. See the screenshot of this intent (btw: the event is added for another scenario where this intent gets called):
After prompting for a parameter value it goes to the fulfillment. This is the fulfillment code for this intent and the intent called Regio (This is the intent where the news headlines are shown):
app.intent('regio_kiezen', (conv, params) => {
conv.user.storage.regio = {};
var chosen_regio = params['regio'];
conv.user.storage.regio = chosen_regio;
console.log(`user: ${conv.user.storage.regio}`);
console.log("intent: regio kiezen intent");
app.intent('Regio', (conv) => {
console.log("regio intent");
console.log(`doebiesnoesje: ${conv.user.storage.regio}`);
conv.ask(new Suggestions('Regio veranderen'));
conv.ask(new Suggestions(['Suggestion 2', 'Suggestion 3']));
return axios.get(`api-adress/${conv.user.storage.regio}`) //can not share the real api-adres
.then((result) => {
// informatie ophalen
for (let i=0; i <= 5; i++) {
titels[i] = (result.data.categories[0].news[i].title); // titel
subtexts[i] = (result.data.categories[0].news[i].text); // subtext
images[i] = (result.data.categories[0].news[i].media[0].image); // image
links[i] = (result.data.categories[0].news[i].url); // link
if (!conv.screen) {
conv.ask('Sorry, try this on a screen device or select the ' +
'phone surface in the simulator.');
if(conv.user.storage.regio == 'nhgooi') {
praat = 'het Gooi';
} else {
praat = conv.user.storage.regio;
conv.ask(`Hier volgt het laatste nieuws uit ${praat}`);
conv.ask(new List({
title: praat,
items: {
// Add the first item to the list
synonyms: [
'synonym 1',
'synonym 2',
'synonym 3',
title: titels[0],
image: new Image({
url: images[0],
// Add the second item to the list
synonyms: [
'Google Home Assistant',
'Assistant on the Google Home',
title: titels[1],
image: new Image({
url: images[1],
// Add the third item to the list
synonyms: [
'Google Pixel XL',
'Pixel XL',
title: titels[2],
image: new Image({
url: images[2],
synonyms: [
'Google Pixel XL',
'Pixel XL',
title: titels[3],
image: new Image({
url: images[3],
synonyms: [
'Google Pixel XL',
'Pixel XL',
title: titels[4],
image: new Image({
url: images[4],
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
The problem I get is that it keeps showing the news of the old (first set) city. Thus, it looks like conv.user.storage.regio is not being changed. I have no clue why this is happening and hope that someone can help! Thanks in advance.
Thanks for all the comments. I have found a solution. Clearing userstorage or updating is not seen in intent 1 when it happens in intent 2. What did work was making a new user storage variable in the regio_kiezen intent. Create a global variable to store this value in. In the Regio intent check whether this variable is undefined or not and choose to chose user storage or else the created variable. I know this might not be very clear so please have a look at the code:
app.intent('regio_kiezen', (conv, params) => {
console.log(`user1: ${conv.user.storage.regio}`);
p = 0;
conv.user.storage.regio = '';
conv.user.storage.regio = params['regio'];
test = conv.user.storage.regio;
test2 = params['regio'];
conv.user.storage.regio2 = test2;
tert = conv.user.storage.regio2;
console.log("testt: " + test + " test2: " + test2);
console.log(`tert: ${conv.user.storage} en ${conv.user.storage.regio2} en ${tert}`);
console.log("intent: regio kiezen intent");
return tert;
app.intent('Regio', (conv) => {
console.log("regio intent");
console.log(`tertt: ${conv.user.storage.regio2} en ${tert}`);
//console.log("test: " + test + " test2: " + test2);
console.log(`doebiedushi: ${conv.user.storage.regio}`);
if (tert === undefined) {
var regioo = conv.user.storage.regio;
} else {
var regioo = tert;
conv.ask(new Suggestions(['Regio veranderen', 'Meer nieuws']));
return axios.get(`https:url/${regioo}`)
.then((result) => { //rest of code
This works and is stored between session and conversations!