I'm trying to get a BufferedImage from an URL, but it throws me an IIOException. I already checked the URL and It works fine.
javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't get input stream from URL!
Here is the code that where I try to get the BufferedImage
URL img = new URL(settings.getGuild().getIconUrl());
BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(img);
The URL is
Given the few code fragments, it is hard to see the cause as it works for other users as seen in the comments.
Original answer:
You want to use the URLConnection class instead.
You can then call .connect()
and .getInputStream()
If you need more sophisticated logic and better APIs, I would recommend to use either Apache HTTPClient (for any HTTP calls) or the JAX-RS client which is best suited for REST-based connections, but can also be used for any other url connection. The advantage of the latter is that multiple implementations exist (resteasy, jersey, CXF, just to name a few).