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How to convert a VHDL code in Verilog using Icarus Verilog?

I can't find an example in doc to convert a VHDL code to Verilog with icarus. I found how to do verilog to VHDL here. I tried to modify the command to do VHDL convertion on this code :

$ iverilog -tvlog95 -o button_deb.v button_deb.vhdl 
button_deb.vhdl:3: syntax error
I give up.

But I've got a syntax error. Is my VHDL code is wrong ? Or is it iverilog command that is wrong ?


  • It seems that some support has arrived in the meantime (mainly using -g2005-sv, -g2009, or -g2012 switch) . Try this:

    iverilog -g2012 -tvlog95 -o button_deb.v button_deb.vhd

    If you pay closer attention to the output you'll see that in this way you'll loose the two generic at the entity interface. Using vhdlpp directly could be useful:

    /path/to/vhdlpp button_deb.vhd > button_deb.v