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InterlockedAdd64 can't be found after adding _AFXDLL macro and clr support

I added _AFXDLL macro and got the following two errors:

error C2039: 'InterlockedAdd64': is not a member of '`global namespace''
error C3861: 'InterlockedAdd64': identifier not found

What is the reason and how to work around the issue?

I ran into the issue while trying to add c++/clr support for DLL which uses MFC.


  • Looks like I'm out of luck if I want to use clr support:

    MSDN: _MANAGED Defined as 1 when the /clr compiler option is set. Otherwise, undefined.

    From winnt.h:

    #if !defined(_MANAGED)
    #if (_MSC_VER >= 1600)
    _InterlockedAdd64 (
        _Inout_ _Interlocked_operand_ LONG64 volatile *Addend,
        _In_ LONG64 Value
    #define InterlockedAdd64 _InterlockedAdd64
    #endif // !defined(_MANAGED)