i want to use a variable from an other js file but when i use the import and export statement that dont work because that say {file} is not defined. And my problem is my variable is in a function, and in a loop for. i think i'm doing it wrong but could you help me ?
here is the code on my fabric.js
const initCanvas = () => (
new fabric.Canvas('canvas', {
height: 450,
width: 600,
backgroundImage: {file}, <--- i want to use the variable "file" here
and in my emil.js i have a function with this code
DisplayCategory(category) {
(...) //Function that generate te list of
else { //Generate the product list of a category (ex : product[2][x])
let product = [];
let x = findProduct(product_array, selected_product);
for (let y = 1; product_array[x][y]; y++) {
var ext = ".jpg";
var file = '/' + product_array[x][y] + ext; <--- file is defined here
<Card style={{ width: '18rem' }} className={this.takeClass(product_array[x][y])} onClick={() => this.HandleOnClick(product_array[x][y], 2)}>
<Card.Img variant="top" src={file} /> <--- and is used here
The function is to long so i dont have put the rest
One common pattern is to have a common namespace, an object, written to window
. That way your project writes only a single thing to the global namespace, and everything lives under there.
This is an easy way to share data between scripts.
Let's say we have bootstrap.js, which does this:
window.someNamespace = {};
Then in another script, you have this:
someNamespace.sharedProperty = 'foo';
alert('This script can call @sharedProperty -'+someNamespace.sharedProperty);
Then in yet another script, you can read that property too:
...because everything (or at least everything that needs to be shared - everything else should remain localised within closures) lives under window.someNamespace