I'm improving a simple Android game called Arkanoid, where I'm having a small problem drawing a RectF on a Canvas.
I implemented a power-up option where, if you take this power-up, the Paddle streches from a 200x Paddle to a 500x Paddle.
private RectF r;
private Paint paint = new Paint();
private Bitmap flipperBit;
// Draw Paddle
flipperBit = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.flipper);
if (powerUpTaken) {
r = new RectF(flipper.getX(), flipper.getY(), flipper.getX() + 500, flipper.getY() + 40);
} else {
r = new RectF(flipper.getX(), flipper.getY(), flipper.getX() + 200, flipper.getY() + 40);
canvas.drawBitmap(flipperBit, null, r, paint);
The main problem is that when I hit the powerup, the Paddle successfully streches from 200 to 500, but goes out of border as in the gif below, thinking it's still a 200x Paddle. Please note that all of this , it's written inside the onDraw overrided-function.
I know, I need to implement a way to stretch the Paddle for x seconds, but as of now I want to make it work first.
Any suggestion would be really appreciated. :)
//set to ZERO if not needed
final cMargin = 10;
int cPaddingWidth;
final int cPaddingHeight = 40;
final RectF cRectF = new RectF();
if (powerUpTaken) cPaddingWidth = 500;
else cPaddingWidth = 200;
cRectF.left = Math.max(cMargin, flipper.getX());
cRectF.right = cRect.left + cPaddingWidth;
if (cRectF.right > (this.getWidth() - cMargin)) {
cRectF.left = (this.getWidth() - cMargin) - cPaddingWidth;
cRectF.right = cRectF.left + cPaddingWidth;
cRectF.top = Math.max(0, flipper.getY());
cRectF.bottom = cRect.top + cPaddingHeight;