I am new to automation, trying to automate SAP but stuck in handling GuiShell (122) - SubType: Toolbar
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSUB_COMPLETE_OIP:/SCWM/SAPLUI_DLV_PRD:2000/subSUB_OIP_DATA_AREA:" _
& "/SCWM/SAPLUI_DLV_PRD:2210/cntlCONTAINER_TB_OIP_1/shellcont/shell").pressButton "OK_REFRESH"
The element type is GuiShell (122) - SubType: Toolbar
I tried it declaring as GuiGridview, GuiToolbar, GuiButton, GuiTabstrip but object is returning as null. my script is not able to find this element.
Only getting/finding this element when it declared as GuiShell. But I am not seeing any method to click it.
Thanks in advance, Please help.
If the object returned by session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/.../shell")
is null, then it means that it's not in the screen (i.e. not the right ID).
A shell object of type toolbar is an object of type GuiToolbarControl
(don't confuse with the object GuiToolbar
which represents the "standard" and "application" toolbars which are at the top of all SAP GUI windows, or at the bottom of modal windows.